Find that right person. Focus on your career. Finish your education. The age of your eggs (not you) is the number one cause of infertility. Freeze your eggs to preserve your option to build a family when you're ready.

Our USPs

  • 10+ years experience in freezing eggs (since 2007)
  • Frozen more than 20,000 eggs (16,000 eggs for donor egg program and 4000 eggs of 400+ women for social reasons)
  • Many pregnancies following freezing and thawing of eggs
  • Large IVF chain with 8 full-fledged IVF centres
  • Medical Directors from Mumbai with 30 years experience
  • High pregnancy rates comparable to the best in the world

We Make It Easy For You

Set up a consult to understand your options

Women’s eggs are frozen during their peak fertility years—20s and early 30s. The egg freezing process begins with a consultation with a physician, followed by pre-screening lab work (hormonal lab testing, preconception screening, ovarian and uterine evaluation, etc). You will then receive an outline of the stimulation process.

Start the process

Around a month after the initial consultation, or when your targeted cycle starts, egg production will be stimulated with fertility medications. Frequent lab work and ultrasounds are done to monitor egg growth over the next 10-12 days. Then, a final injection will be given to mature the eggs and prepare them for retrieval. Thirty-six hours after the injection, the eggs will be retrieved under short anaesthesia. After the eggs are retrieved, the IVF laboratory will freeze and store them for your future use.

Set it and forget it until you're ready

When you are ready to start your family, frozen eggs are thawed and combined with sperm to create embryos. You will undergo Embryo Transfer (ET), a procedure in which embryos are transferred into the uterus.

Former Miss World Diana Hayden delivered girl from 8-yr frozen eggs at Bloom IVF in 2016

Diana Hayden, Former Miss World had frozen eggs with Bloom IVF under Dr Nandita Palshetkar and Dr Hrishikesh Pai's care in 2007/2008 when she was busy in her career and not ready for marriage. In 2016, she delivered her bundle of joy after being married for Collin Dick for 2 years. She is now pregnant for the second time!

Egg Freezing / Oocyte Cryopreservation

Egg freezing is a method of storing your eggs to preserve fertility and allow you to have a baby later. It’s an option usually considered by women who do not want to have a baby at present, or whose fertility is at risk for medical reasons. Choosing to freeze your eggs doesn’t mean you’re depleting viable eggs from your ovarian reserve. Some women who freeze their eggs don’t use them because they later fall pregnant naturally.

During every cycle, eggs grow in fluid filled sacs (called follicles) in the ovaries. Only 1 egg will mature and be released (through ovulation), the rest will die. The egg freezing process, as with an IVF cycle, helps all the eggs to mature. The eggs stimulated to grow would have grown or died during your natural cycle that month. The stimulation mimics your body’s natural processes. It doesn’t affect future egg supply or lead to premature menopause.

Cryopreservation involves the preservation of cells and tissues for extended periods of time at sub-zero temperatures. Cryoprotective additives (CPAs) are used in order to reduce cryodamage by preventing ice formation. A recent meta-analysis of five studies found that the rates of fertilization, embryo cleavage, high quality embryos and ongoing pregnancy did not differ between vitrification and fresh oocyte groups ( Cobo and Diaz, 2011 ).

Who Needs To Preserve Their Eggs ?

  • As a method for fertility preservation in cancer patients
  • Women with endometriosis who may prematurely experience reduced ovarian reserve.
  • Women with autoimmune diseases/Cancer treatment requiring gonadotoxic treatment
  • Women with geneticAberrations leading to subfertility or risk of early menopause
  • Social Egg Freezing : In todays world of Late Marriages and couples postponing to have children to when they are ready, freezing eggs at the right age is a good option which will prevent the risk of age related geneticproblems later on.
  • Oocyte cryopreservation can also provide an option for fertility preservation in gender reassignment surgery.
  • In addition, now that assessment of ovarian reserve is widely available using biophysical (antral follicle count) and biochemical (Anti-Mullerian hormone, early follicular FSH) measures, many women who are asymptomatic are identified as being at risk of early menopause. Although ovarian reserve measurement has not been shown to have predictive value for spontaneous pregnancy, it is a reasonable strategy for these women to consider elective oocyte cryopreservation.
  • Another useful application of oocyte cryopreservation arises in the situation where a male partner fails to produce a sperm sample on the day of oocyte retrieval for IVF ( Emery et al., 2004 ). The efficacy of ‘emergency’ oocyte cryopreservation was demonstrated in cases during which sperm extraction from male partners with non-obstructive azoospermia had failed ( Song et al. , 2011 ).
  • Oocyte pooling – in women who have a low antral follicle count and low AMH , eggs are retrieved over a period of 2 to 3 cycles or more and after adequate pooling, embryo transfer is done for optimal results.
  • Oocyte donation – cryobanking

Fertility preservation in cancer patients

Cancer treatment regimes can have a detrimental effect on female fertility, due to the removal of reproductive organs or the use of radiation therapy and cytotoxic agents. The extent of damage depends on follicular reserve, patient age, and the type and dose of treatment, with alkylating agents being particularly gonadotoxic.

Advances in oocyte cryopreservation mean that it can now be offered routinely for fertility preservation.

Social Egg Freezing

There is an obvious gender inequality in reproduction, since men are able to reproduce at much older ages than women. Now that the cryopreservation of oocytes for age-related fertility decline is considered acceptable ,‘social egg freezing’ has become a popular subject within the media, and demand for the procedure has increased rapidly. Oocyte cryopreservation has been described as a ‘breakthrough for reproductive autonomy’ and an ‘emancipation’ for women. However, there are various reasons for which women may wish to delay motherhood, for example to focus on their career, to find a suitable partner or because they simply do not feel ‘ready’. An increasing number of women are postponing motherhood, resulting in rising numbers experiencing childlessness which they had not necessarily intended. Oocyte cryopreservation can give women the ability to make more reproductive choices; to decide when and with whom they wish to have children.

The use of younger oocytes can reduce the risk of fetal loss and aneuploidies associated with ageing oocytes. The use of cryopreserved, autologous oocytes also allows the mother to have her geneticallyown child that could not be achieved through oocyte donation, and will provide a higher chance of pregnancy than the use of standard IVF at an older age.

Age-related fertility decline

The fertility decline experienced by women, which accelerates after the age of 35, is well-known. This decline is largely attributable to a decrease in follicular number and oocyte quality. If older women do conceive, they are at a significantly higher risk of fetal chromosomal abnormalities and fetal loss. Reproductive potential can be extended by the use of eggs preserved at younger age.

Eggs have been safely stored and then thawed after many years with the same success as eggs that are fresh or frozen for a short time. There is currently no evidence that suggests that frozen eggs deteriorate with time.
Eggs are collected by vaginal, ultrasound-guided aspiration of ovarian follicles. This procedure is performed under general anaesthesia, using a specially designed needle to enter the ovarian follicles through the vaginal wall.
After egg retrieval, the woman then receives an antibiotic by IV and orally.
Eggs are then cryopreserved (vitrified using extreme cold) and stored.
To prepare for egg retrieval, women undergo a series of injections of ovulation stimulating agents over approximately 10 days, including human gonadotropin and follicle stimulating hormone to stimulate multiple egg production.
A substance known as a “GNRH agonist” or Antagonist is used in conjunction with these drugs to reduce ovarian function. A Lupron injection is used to trigger ovulation and assists in the maturation process of the eggs prior to retrieval.
Currently, there is not enough data to provide statistically significant success rates. However, we have frozen more than 4000 eggs of 400+ women and have many pregnancies following freezing and thawing of eggs.
The process for saving eggs is uncomfortable, but not painful. The medications may cause symptoms similar to those you may experience during menstruation, and there are a few pinprick injections that can be unpleasant. Egg Collection is performed under general anaesthesia and only takes about 20 minutes to complete. Some women experience cramps after the procedure, but these typically subside after 24 hours.
When the time comes to begin a family, we will combine your eggs with sperm to create embryos. You will undergo Embryo Transfer (ET), a procedure in which embryos are transferred into the uterus.
Women who do not use their saved eggs or embryos can choose to have the eggs discarded or donated to a scientific institution. Keep in mind that eggs donated to science will either be used for observation or for experimental research.
The number of eggs collected in a single cycle varies with age. Ideally, 10-15 good eggs should be saved for future fertility preservation. Sometimes, women may have to do more than 1 cycle of egg pickup to reach this number.
Eggs can be safely stored for as long as you need them. There is no current evidence that suggests they deteriorate with time, so you can take as long as you need to prepare for your future family. We have frozen more than 4000 eggs of 400+ women and have many pregnancies following freezing and thawing of eggs.
The truth about fertility is that it’s not something that gets better with age. For women, the ability to have a child changes significantly around age 35. Both egg count and egg quality diminish as time passes, which means that the chance of becoming pregnant is more difficult at the time when many are ready. At Bloom IVF, we help with that.