Managing Thin Endometrium

Discover The Thin Endometrium Treatment In Detail

For conceiving, a successful embryo implantation is required in the endometrium. Any issue in this layer can cause complications in pregnancy. For women who are finding it difficult to conceive for unknown reasons, the endometrium might be one of them. Even when doctors suggest IVF, endometrium is important for embryo implantation for successful pregnancy results. If you are facing difficulty in conceiving, consult a fertility doctor for a thorough assessment. There might be different reasons that doctors need to know when suggesting treatment options. The endometrium is a layer in the uterus that thickens to prepare for embryo transfer.

Let us understand what happens with thin endometrium and pregnancy:

What is endometrium?

The uterus has three layers- innermost, middle, and outer layers. The endometrium is the innermost layer of the uterus that grows and sheds after each menstrual cycle. During every menstrual cycle, the endometrium thickens to prepare for embryo transfer and is shed in case there is no pregnancy. This repeats every menstrual cycle. In case an egg is fertilized by sperm, the endometrium goes through a change in order to develop an environment that is hospitable for embryo implants. A thick and healthy endometrium layer is important for a regular cycle and pregnancy without complications. The endometrium, also known as the uterine lining, should be more than or equal to 8mm thick for a successful embryo implantation.

What is thin endometrium?

If the endometrium layer is thin, it can become an important factor in difficult pregnancy. In such cases, fertility experts suggest different methods. Is thin endometrium normal? No! An endometrium thickness below 7mm is considered thin and decreases the success rate for IVF treatment.

A normal sized anteverted uterus with thin endometrium can also cause difficulty in pregnancy. A thin endometrial lining is a damaged uterine lining that can be caused due to various reasons. In such cases, fertility experts can suggest options like GCSF, depending on the assessment.

What are the causes of thin endometrium?

The thin endometrium is a damaged inner lining of the uterus, which can be caused by different reasons. The include:

thin endometrium causes

  • Uterine fibroids: Fibroids are noncancerous growths that develop in the uterus muscle wall. These can vary in size and can be small or large bulges. Fibroids can cause complications or affect the chances of pregnancy. So, doctors often recommend surgery for fibroid removal.
  • Hormonal imbalance: Due to lack of estrogen, which can be caused because of several reasons such as some medications, unhealthy diet, and stress.
  • Damaged endometrial lining: Any previous uterine infection can damage the inner lining of the uterus. It can also cause scar tissue, thus damaging the endometrium.
  • Age factor: With growing age, older women's ovaries produce less estrogen, which leads to thin endometrium.
  • PCOS: PCOS/PCOD is the main cause affecting 10% of reproductive-aged women. It can cause thin endometrium. So, PCOS treatment can help in some way.
  • Poor Blood flow: The thickness of the endometrium increases and reduces during the menstrual cycle. Blood flow directly affects the thickness of the endometrium. If you face poor blood flow or have insufficient blood flow to the uterus, it causes endometrium thinning. The poor blood flow can be due to obesity, smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, and birth control pills.
  • Abnormal cycle: If you have an abnormal cycle due to hormonal disturbance or impaired ovulation, it can also be one of the reasons that causes thin endometrium.
  • Chronic endometritis: Endometritis is an infection or inflammation in the uterine lining that prevents embryo implantation.
  • Endometriosis: Endometriosis is a medical condition that can result in an endometrium thin lining of the endometrium.
  • Iatrogenic: If you have repeated or vigorous curettage, it can sometimes damage the basal layer of the endometrium. Post laparoscopic surgeries, the formation of adhesions can cause thinning of the uterine lining.

Lifestyle: Lifestyle can be one of the causes of thin endometrium. Consuming excessive alcohol, smoking, and extreme stress can have a negative impact on endometrial health.

What are the signs or indications of thin endometrium?

Thin endometrium does not have many symptoms; it is mostly silent. Thin endometrium occurs in women years before they try to conceive; they are unaware of the problem until they are tested. However, in some cases, women can show thin endometrium symptoms such as:

  • Light irregular menstrual cycle: Women might complain of light bleeding with shorter or irregular periods, which may last only half a day.
  • Thin endometrium and infertility: It's the most common instance when women find out about thin endometrium. If you have problems conceiving or have multiple miscarriages, very thin endometrium can be one of the reasons.

How is thin endometrium diagnosed?

The Thin endometrium can be diagnosed in three different ways; doctors can use any of them depending on requirements:

  • Transvaginal ultrasound: Transvaginal ultrasound is a common ultrasound tool that is used to measure the thickness of the inner lining. On the ultrasound, the endometrium appears in a thin line that helps doctors evaluate. This is the common first method of diagnosis. Other methods are used in case the diagnosis is unclear through ultrasound.
  • Sonohysterography: A saline infusion sonogram can help in evaluating the thickness of the endometrium and uterine cavity.
  • Hysteroscopy: Hysteroscopy is a medical procedure in which a thin tube is inserted through the cervix that provides a view of the uterus cavity. Fertility experts can analyze and get access to endometrium lining to disguise. This is an excellent way to diagnose thin endometrium.

What is the treatment for thin endometrium treatment?

The thin endometrium is one of the causes of failure in conceiving or decreased chances of IVF. Endometrium thickness is vital for embryo implantation, hence pregnancy. If not treated, it can cause complications in pregnancy or infertility. The Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment is considered one of the best options for thin endometrium.

The PRP treatment stimulates proliferation and regeneration with growth factors and cytokines. It refers to the use of a patient's own blood for regeneration. If you have undergone assisted reproductive technology, thin endometrium can affect the reproductive success rate. PRP treatment has demonstrated an increase in success rate for IVF if women have thin endometrium. Here are some more treatments for thin endometrium:

  • Hysteroscopy: Hysteroscopy is a process that allows the surgeon to look into the uterus cavity to evaluate the endometrium conditions. If there are intrauterine adhesions, it can be removed using this process. In addition, the signs of endometrium can be identified, and polyps or any small fibroids can be removed. The endometrium and histopathological analysis can also help understand the cause behind the thin endometrium.
  • Extended Estrogen Therapy: The high dosage of Extended Estrogen, either as vaginal pessaries, oral tablets, transdermal creams, or estrogen patches, when administered for a long duration( generally 14-18 days), can help in improving endometrial thickness.
  • Herbal Supplements: Sometimes, thinking of the endometrial lining can be due to low levels of estrogen. There are many supplements rich in phytoestrogens that can help women improve their estrogen levels. Foods like soya and fruits like apple, strawberry, and grapefruit are rich in phytoestrogens that can help in improving hormonal levels. In addition, Vitamin E, maca root, royal jelly, and L-arginine can also help.
  • Lifestyles: Changing your lifestyle and incorporating exercises, a healthy diet, and reducing stress can help you with a positive impact on endometrial health.

Endometrial scratch: Endometrial scratch is a minor procedure in which gently scratching the endometrial lining can stimulate the growth.

Does thin endometrium affect fertility among women?

The endometrium is the innermost layer of the uterus where embryo implantation takes place. Any problem in the innermost layer will cause difficulty in conceiving. So, yes, a thin endometrium can affect fertility. It is vital for the endometrium layer to create a hostile environment for the embryo. A thin endometrium cannot provide the right conditions for embryo implantation, thus leading to complications in pregnancy or infertility.

Importance of visiting reliable fertility clinics for treatments

Whether you have symptoms of uterine fibroid or you had repeated IVF failures, you need a reliable fertility expert. Conceiving is a beautiful phase that many couples wish to experience; however, due to many reasons, pregnancy becomes complicated. It's important for such couples to take guidance from reliable fertility experts to avoid any more complications. A good fertility clinic can help you with:

  • Diagnosis and treatment: You can ensure high accuracy in diagnosis and effective treatment options. A comprehensive diagnosis allows specialists to suggest the best course of action for your problems. These include Embryo Pooling, Mild Ovarian Stimulation, and more.
  • Expertise: You may get professional assistance from a reputable and experienced fertility clinic, regardless of whether you opt for an egg bank or any other facility. You can share your concerns and get answers to begin the process of conceiving.
  • Success rate: Fertility clinics like Bloom IVF have a high success rate in various fertility treatments for helping couples conceive.

Bloom IVF For Your Fertility Treatments!

Bloom IVF is one of the best IVF clinics in India, offering the latest treatments using the latest technology and equipment. We have experienced fertility experts and the latest equipment to conduct advanced diagnosis and treatments. Whether you need a freeze all strategy or social egg freezing, Bloom IVF can help you.

Contact Bloom IVF: Get Your First Consultation Now!

Common Questions

If you could not find an answer to your query, please contact us.

Thin endometrium pregnancy has better chances after you have sought treatment for the condition. You need to consult a fertility doctor for details.
For anyone who is trying to conceive, thin endometrium is a serious issue as it can cause hindrance in pregnancy. The embryo implantation will have difficulty with thin endometrium that causes complications or failure in conceiving.
Usually, during the proliferative phase (5 to 14 days of a cycle), the thickness of the endometrium is seen to increase.
There are some medications used to treat thin endometrium. Estradiol valerate can help increase endometrial thickness and improve clinical pregnancy rate and embryo transfer rate.
Alcohol, caffeine, and high-sugar foods reduce blood flow and are inflammatory. By reducing their intake, you can clear the endometrium thickness.
There are reports of successful pregnancies with 4mm endometrium or thin endometrium 3mm thickness. However, you need an ideal 7 to 10 mm of endometrial thickness for pregnancy
The endometrium thickness below 7 is generally considered less for successful pregnancies or IVF.