PRP Treatment

PRP Treatment: Providing New Hope With Revolutionary Treatment

Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment, also known as PRP Treatment, is a popular treatment in many conditions. PRP for fertility is suggested by specialists in some situations. It has become a new hope for many couples wishing to become parents. Initially, the treatment gained popularity as an experimental method in regenerative medicine. However, there have been signs of potential gains for reproductive medicine. To start, let's take a detailed view of the treatment: 

What is PRP Treatment? 

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) Treatment is one of the highly effective techniques that utilize patients' blood to heal and improve tissue function. The PRP Treatment includes cytokines, platelets, and growth factors with anti-inflammatory properties. This PRP Treatment is utilized for many conditions, injuries, and issues, such as fertility, sports injuries, hair loss, and skin issues. Doctors might suggest PRP Treatment under various conditions after assessing your health. Let's understand PRP Treatment in detail: 

What is PRP Treatment for Fertility?

PRP for fertility treatment is used for ovarian rejuvenation as well as to improve endometrial quality. PRP is derived centrifuging patients' own blood and separating platelet rich plasma. This plasma is a concentrated solution of cytokines and growth factors that help in tissue regeneration. The plasma is injected into the ovaries under USG guidance or in uterine endometrium. 

Benefits of PRP Treatment

Intraovarian platelet-rich plasma therapy has many potential gains, including:

  • Improving fertility: The PRP treatment might help improve fertility among women by stimulating the growth of ovarian follicles. This assists in better chances of conceiving as the process encourages the development of more healthy eggs in ovaries.
  • Improving ovarian function: The bioactive molecules and growth factors are present in PRP that are utilized in the process. This assists in stimulating and enhancing the ovarian function. It also helps to encourage the development of ovarian follicles and increase the responsiveness of hormonal signals.
  • Improving response for ovarian stimulation: During fertility issues, there are treatments like In Vitro Fertilization (IVF); PRP Therapy can increase the success rates of procedures.

Who Can Take PRP Treatment?

There are a number of reasons why PRP Treatment is suggested by fertility experts. Such as:

  • Low ovarian reserve
  • Recurrent implantation failures
  • Thin endometrial lining
  • Poor response to IVF
  • Male factor infertility
  • History of miscarriages

The Procedure of PRP Treatment

The PRP treatment for fertility has certain steps that fertility clinics follow for treatments:

  • Consultation and assessment: You have to consult fertility experts. The expert will conduct analyses and assessments of medical history, fertility concerns, and more to discuss various treatment options. If PRP treatment is suggested, the next steps will start.
  • Blood sample: The treatment starts with collecting a small amount of blood sample, which is similar to a regular blood sample.
  • Centrifugation: The collected blood sample is then placed in a machine centrifuge. It will isolate platelet-rich plasma from other blood components.
  • Preparation of Injection: For PRP treatment, the injection is prepared carefully. This fluid in injection is concentrated with growth factors and other components that have potential properties.

Injecting: The platelet-rich plasma is then injected into the ovaries. After injecting, the patient is kept under observation for some time to ensure there is no adverse reaction.

Is PRP Treatment Safe?

Intraovarian PRP treatment is a safe procedure that involves injecting plasma into the ovary using the equipment utilized for egg retrieval for the IVF treatment. The process involves the same equipment utilized for egg retrieval. It has minimal risk of adverse complications. However, there might be certain risks involved in any medical procedure, such as bleeding, temporary discomfort, and infection. The PRP treatment is the latest procedure that was introduced recently; it is still being evaluated. So, if you are planning to take PRP treatment, it is recommended to consult a qualified fertility expert to weigh its pros and cons for you.

Bloom IVF for PRP Treatment

Bloom IVF is one of the finest fertility clinics for fertility issues and reproductive problems. You can find various treatments, including PRP, laparoscopic surgery, and more, with the latest techniques and developments. We have top-quality techniques, the latest equipment, and well-trained doctors for special treatments. Our team conducts various assessment tests to understand the medical conditions. Our team conducts PRP treatments and many other upgraded methods. You can consult our team for your reproductive or fertility issues.

Common Questions

If you could not find an answer to your query, please contact us.

It assists you in increasing egg quantity and quality, which leads to increased chances of fertilization.
The PRP IVF has a 70 to 80% success rate in improving egg quality and quantity.
Yes! There is a chance that you can conceive naturally or have a spontaneous pregnancy between 3 to 6 months after the procedure.
It is a safe procedure; however, sometimes you have slight pain or discomfort.
The first option for PRP treatment is after your period and before you ovulate.
Usually, PRP is successful after one procedure. If not, it can be repeated in 9 to 15 months.