Ovarian Rejuvenation

Ovarian Rejuvenation: Understanding the Process, Purpose, Success Rates, and Side Effects of This Procedure

The heartbreaking challenges of infertility often pose emotional and physical problems in the lives of people. However, with the best techniques, the causative factors of infertility can be tackled. Ovarian rejuvenation is one such advanced technique used in fertility treatments. It is aimed at boosting your chances of conception. With advancements, it has become one of the most effective ways of helping couples fulfill their dream of parenthood.

Of course, the mere idea of “rejuvenating” one’s ovaries at a fertility clinic is amazing. But how is it done? These days. The use of stem cell therapy for ovarian rejuvenation is gaining popularity. If your doctor has also mentioned the term “ovarian rejuvenation” during one of your visits, you must be curious to know what it exactly is, right?

In the following sections, we will explore the different aspects of the ovarian rejuvenation procedure, from purpose to steps and success rates to side effects.

What is Ovarian Rejuvenation?

A medical procedure that involves the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) or stem cell therapy for enhancing your fertility is called ovarian rejuvenation. It involves the stimulation of the ovaries to induce more and healthier eggs. As a result, your chances of pregnancy will be boosted.

One of the key methods used in this treatment is PRP for ovarian rejuvenation. This technique has helped many women turn their dreams of becoming a mother into reality. The PRP (or platelet-rich plasma) is derived from the patient’s own blood.

The Goal of Ovarian Rejuvenation PRP Treatment

The ultimate goal of PRP treatment ovarian rejuvenation is to ensure that the quality and quantity of eggs released from your ovaries are boosted significantly. As a result, whether you are experiencing irregular menstrual cycles or finding it challenging to conceive, these issues can be solved.

In addition to improving your fertility, ovarian rejuvenation is also known to prevent early onset of menopause. Furthermore, if you have any other symptoms associated with ovarian aging, this treatment will help you eradicate those as well.

The Stepwise Process of Ovarian Rejuvenation PRP

The process of ovarian rejuvenation PRP is highly specific and should be performed only by a skilled and experienced individual. The steps included in the ovarian rejuvenation procedure include:

Initial Consultation

The ovarian rejuvenation PRP journey begins with an initial consultation. Herein, your doctor will try to evaluate your condition by knowing more about your medical history. They will discuss your fertility goals with you. Diagnostic tests are also performed by the doctor. By assessing all these parameters, they will recommend if ovarian rejuvenation is a choice for you.


A blood draw will take place. This is necessary because the platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is extracted from the patient’s own blood.

If you opt for stem cell therapy for ovarian rejuvenation, the extraction will occur from adipose tissue or bone marrow. For this extraction, surgery is performed under anesthesia.


In the next step of PRP therapy, the blood is sent to a modern laboratory where a centrifuge is used to process it. The goal is to separate the platelets and plasma from the other components of the blood. This is how platelet-rich plasma is derived.

PRP has an abundance of growth factors that are known to stimulate regeneration in tissues.

If stem cell therapy is done, separation and preparation of the cells is done before they are transplanted.


In ovarian PRP rejuvenation, the extracted and prepared PRP is directly injected into your ovaries. In cases of stem cell rejuvenation, laparoscopic surgery is required for the injection. The goal is to place these cells into the ovarian cortex.


The post-procedure care involves careful monitoring of the patient. During this phase, your healthcare expert will check the effectiveness of the treatment. They will also treat and manage any side effects (if they arise).


Lastly, following up with your doctor on a regular basis is necessary. They will keep an eye on the changing patterns of your menstruation, hormonal levels, and any other signs that indicate an enhanced function of the ovaries.

PRP Ovarian Rejuvenation Success Rate

Whether you choose natural conception or ART (assisted reproductive technology), ovarian rejuvenation is shown to have excellent success rates. According to research, the use of PRP for ovarian rejuvenation is known to have a success rate of 70 to 80%. As a result of this treatment, you will be able to observe the following:

  • Better egg quality
  • Boosted egg quantity
  • More follicular growth
  • Enhanced ovarian response
  • Improved oocyte retrieval rates

Of course, the extent of success of the procedure will vary from one person to another. The factors determining this are:

  • PRP isolation
  • Clinic chosen
  • Experience of the healthcare practitioner
  • Age
  • Existing ovarian reserve
  • Health conditions

Some women may also choose Egg Oocyte Freezing (for future use) after successful retrieval is done from ovarian rejuvenation.

Who is the Ideal Candidate for Ovarian Rejuvenation Treatment

  • Women who are facing fertility-related issues due to their increased age often opt for ovarian rejuvenation treatments.
  • Doctors also recommend this option for those with premature ovarian insufficiency.
  • Typically, there is no standard age group for which this procedure is suitable. This is because each case is unique. Hence, it is best if you get in touch with a good fertility specialist; you will be able to find the best solution for yourself. That being said, women up to the age of 45-47 have had a successful ovarian rejuvenation.

If you want to ensure benefits from this treatment, it is recommended that you choose the best fertility clinic in India, like Bloom IVF.

Risks and Side Effects of the Ovarian Rejuvenation Process

There are some risks and side effects of PRP for ovarian rejuvenation as well. What are these? Let’s find out:

  • Pain
  • Internal bleeding
  • Fever
  • Bruising or spotting

Mild discomfort and cramping are natural after this procedure.

PRP Ovarian Rejuvenation Cost: How Does It Vary With Different Factors

When it comes to the cost of PRP ovarian rejuvenation, several factors can influence the price. These include:

  • Location of the clinic
  • Reputation of the clinic
  • Additional treatments required
  • Medical history
  • Medical insurance
  • Quality of equipment
  • Experience of your doctor

Location is one of the important factors affecting the prices. Hence, if you choose ovarian rejuvenation in Mumbai, the price will be different than if you choose ovarian rejuvenation in Bangalore.

Bloom IVF: Providing Advanced Ovarian Rejuvenation by Skilled Specialists

Bloom IVF is on a mission to enhance the way people get access to reproductive medicine and treatments. We understand your need to have the finest professionals at your service, whether it is a minor procedure or a major fertility treatment. That is why we have hired the best doctors from across the country. Our ovarian rejuvenation service makes use of the latest techniques and the most reliable methods. In addition to this, our experts also offer guidance related to the timed intercourse. What’s more? Our ovarian rejuvenation cost in India are very affordable.

Being the best fertility clinic in India, Bloom IVF understands your fertility challenges and provides you with the most compassionate care possible. We also try our level best to tailor our solutions to your unique cases.

In addition to stem cell ovarian rejuvenation, we have a comprehensive range of treatments, procedures, and services for you. These include laparoscopic surgery and embryoscope, among many others.

Empower Your Fertility Journey: Call Bloom IVF for Ovarian Rejuvenation Today!

Step-by-Step Procedure of Ovarian Rejuvenation

Patients selection and detailed consultation about the procedure and also hormonal parameters.
Taking blood from the patient
Separation of platelet from the blood by centrifugation
The PRP is instilled in the ovary. Usually 2-4 ml of PRP is instilled into the ovary depending on the ovarian volume. This injection is usually done laparoscopically.

Common Questions

If you could not find an answer to your query, please contact us.

If you want to start an IVF cycle, it is best if this is done within the initial three months after the PRP ovarian rejuvenation treatment.
Yes. For women with low AMH levels, PRP is known to improve egg quality significantly. This enhances the possibility of a successful pregnancy. AMH levels are also variable with the luteal phase and follicular phase.
Yes, the method of ovarian rejuvenation has proved to be very successful. However, depending on your age, fitness, and the technique used for ovarian rejuvenation, the outcomes will differ.
If you are looking for a center where you can get ovarian rejuvenation done at the most affordable prices, you must choose Bloom IVF. We are the most reliable and renowned fertility clinic in the country. Hence, you can rest assured that the quality of services we provide will never be compromised.
After your ovarian rejuvenation, it is recommended that you refrain from engaging in strenuous exercises. Running or weightlifting should also be stopped for a few days.
The process of PRP ovarian rejuvenation is generally minimally invasive and very safe. This can also be said because the patient's own blood is used for the treatment.