IVF Treatment

Understanding IVF Treatment : Everything You Need to Know About the Process

IVF treatment has emerged as a popular technique in the field of infertility treatment. Many couples rely on this technique to fulfill their precious dream of having a child. As one of the most advanced and effective technologies, IVF has been able to provide hope to a large number of people.

For those who are interested in undergoing it, it is important to understand what is IVF treatment, the cost associated with it, where to find the best treatment, and a lot more. In the sections below, we will discuss this and a lot more about IVF.

What is In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)?

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a widely trusted and advanced assisted reproductive technology (ART). It has improved the way infertility treatments are carried out across the globe. It involves a complex series of procedures that are meant to help couples conceive a child when the option of natural conception is no longer viable.

IVF has opened doors for many people, including those with various medical conditions. IVF treatment for single women and same-sex couples is also available. These days, the process of in vitro fertilization offers hope to those who dream of starting or expanding their families.

Over the years, IVF technology has continued to evolve. This is especially because of the inclusion of advanced techniques like ICSI in IVF treatment, cryopreservation of embryos and semen, preimplantation genetic testing, laser-assisted hatching, etc.

Indications of IVF Treatment

Now that the in vitro fertilization definition is clear, it is also important to shed light on the various indications or reasons why someone might need to choose IVF treatment. These include:

  • Tubal Problems: If the fallopian tubes of the female are damaged or intentionally ligated in the past to prevent pregnancy, the eggs won’t be able to move from the ovaries to the uterus. In this situation, the IVF treatment procedure is a very good choice.
  • Male Factor Infertility: Issues such as low sperm count, erectile dysfunction, poor sperm mobility, coital disorders, and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism can contribute to infertility in males. For severe male factor infertility, IVF ICSI treatment is known to be a very effective option.
  • Ovulation Disorders: Conditions like polycystic ovary disease (PCOD) or other hormonal imbalances can result in irregularity or absence of ovulation. This means that fewer eggs are released, reducing the chances of natural fertilization. Despite the presence of one of these problems, it is still possible for couples to conceive with the help of in vitro fertilization IVF.
  • Uterine Fibroids: The growths or tumors in or on the walls of the uterus are known as uterine fibroids. These cause hindrances during the implantation of the fertilized egg. Women with this condition often turn to IVF treatment for pregnancy.
  • Endometriosis: Endometriosis is a condition in women where even the outside of the uterus, a tissue similar to the lining of the uterus, is found to be growing. This acts as a hurdle between successful pregnancies. However, IVF treatment has been proven to be very effective in overcoming these complications.
  • Age-Related Infertility: As women age, the quantity and quality of their eggs (ovarian reserve) also decline, leading to reduced chances of pregnancies. With the help of IVF treatment for baby boy or baby girl, even women in their early 40s have received favorable outcomes.
  • Unexplained Infertility: Usually, when someone is unable to conceive, experts conduct various tests to find the reason behind this. However, some cases have no explainable reasons, as per the reports. In these cases, experts in IVF treatment in India have proven to be a significant help.
  • Genetic Risks: Couples at risk of passing on genetic disorders may also opt for one of the different types of IVF treatment. The specific procedure used for this involving IVF is preimplantation genetic testing. The experts then check the embryos and place only the one with no genetic disorders in the uterus.
  • Recurrent Miscarriage: When couples are frustrated by recurrent miscarriages, they often choose the IVF fertility treatment for pregnancy. Consecutive clinical pregnancy losses can be disheartening for anyone. But with advanced technology like IVF, the hope of having a baby can still be alive.
  • Same-Sex Couples and Single Parents: The best part about this IVF step by step treatment is that even same-sex couples and single parents will be able to relish the joy of parenthood. They will have to find donor eggs, sperm, or a surrogate for this.

Process Of IVF Treatment Step By Step

IVF is seemingly complex, especially for lay people. Hence, it is important to understand the IVF treatment process step by step.

Initial Consultation and Evaluation:

The first step in the process is visiting a trusted and certified doctor at an IVF center. They will help you understand what IVF treatment is for pregnancy. Then, they will discuss the medical history of both partners. Depending on the complexity of your case, they will recommend which kind of IVF treatment is best for you. The options include:

  • Conventional IVF
  • Natural Cycle IVF
  • Minimal Stimulation IVF
  • ICSI Treatment
  • IVF using Donor Eggs or Sperms
  • IVF through Surrogacy

They may also recommend alternative ART options like IUI Treatment.

This is also the phase where you will get to know how much IVF treatment costs.

Preparatory Phase:

Once you have understood everything related to how IVF treatment is done, the process moves to the second step, i.e., preparation. There are numerous pre-IVF tests that will be conducted during this phase. This step lasts for 2 to 4 weeks, and the various tests include blood tests, pipelle biopsy, semen analysis, infectious disease screening, and ultrasound.

Medication and Monitoring:

In the fifth week, the controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH) process is initiated. This starts with an ultrasound and is followed by medication. For two weeks, you will have to consume the fertility drugs as prescribed. These are necessary for stimulation of the ovarian follicles. IVF treatment injections option is also available in addition to oral medication.

Monitoring of follicular development is the longest part of the process. To do this, you need to visit the fertility clinic 5 to 7 times.


To ensure that the egg maturation occurs correctly, a trigger is performed with the use of hCG.


Once the egg is ready for retrieval, you will have to visit the center and get the retrieval done by an IVF treatment specialist. You will be under sedation for this.


This is the step where the egg and the sperm are combined in a state-of-the-art laboratory. To boost the success rate of your case, several techniques are used, such as IVF and ICSI treatment, assisted hatching, preimplantation genetic screening, etc.

Embryo Assessment:

For 3 to 6 days after the fertilization has taken place, the embryo is monitored every day to ensure that it is fit to be transferred to the uterus.

Embryo Transfer:

The final step of the process is embryo transfer. Usually, this occurs on the third day of fertilization itself. However, it is suggested that some patients wait for 5 days, i.e., until the blastocyst stage is reached. This process doesn’t require any sedation, but mild cramps may occur.

Each of these IVF treatment steps needs to be conducted in a coordinated manner by the most seasoned experts. This ensures that the success rate of the treatment is optimum.

Success Rate: An Important Factor to Remember When Choosing IVF Treatment Process

The IVF treatment success rate is an important yet dynamic part of this journey. Understanding the success rate is essential for setting realistic expectations and making the right decision. The rate is variable because of the following factors:

  • Age of the Woman
  • Cause of Infertility
  • Sperm Quality
  • Lifestyle 
  • Previous Pregnancies
  • Experience of the Fertility Clinic

The Importance of Going to An Established Center for the Best IVF Treatment in India

Choosing the right fertility clinic is one of the most crucial decisions in your journey to parenthood through IVF treatment. This is because the expertise and experience of the doctors will affect the success rate of your case significantly.

If you are looking for a clinic that offers IVF at the most reasonable IVF treatment cost in India, you must choose Bloom IVF. We have 29 years of experience in this field, which is why we are considered the most trusted fertility clinic in India. Under the leadership of Dr. Hrishikesh Pai and Dr. Nandita Palshetkar, we have helped more than 20,000 couples by fulfilling their dream of becoming parents.

Bloom IVF has 9 state-of-the-art fertility clinics in the country. Being the best IVF treatment center in Delhi, we understand how emotionally and physically taxing this journey is for you. Hence, we have employed the most compassionate and skilled specialists to help you.

We also accept insurance for IVF treatment, thereby relieving you significantly from the financial stress. So, if you are looking for the best IVF treatment clinic and fertility center in the country, you must visit Bloom IVF today!

Common Questions

If you could not find an answer to your query, please contact us.

The IVF treatment process is basically the collection of mature eggs from the ovary and the fertilization of an egg with a sperm in the laboratory (“in-vitro”).
Women between the ages of 21 to 50 and men between the ages of 26 to 55 years can undergo in vitro fertilization treatment.
Usually, you need to take one to two injections daily. Of course, this depends on a variety of factors. Hence, it is best to consult a personalized answer to this from a seasoned fertility specialist doctor.
A standard IVF cycle takes about 6 to 8 weeks. This includes all the steps, from preliminary consultation to embryo transfer, followed by a pregnancy test.
No. The IVF treatment process is usually painless. Of course, due to medications and triggering, it is natural to feel some minor cramps.
Between the embryo transfer and the pregnancy test, there is a waiting time of about 10 to 14 days. This is the most difficult phase of the entire treatment.
Yes, lifestyle changes significantly impact the extent to which the in vitro fertilization technique will be able to help you.