
Embryoscope: Know About its Process, Indications, Benefits, Success Rates, and More

With advancements in technology, reproductive specialists have been able to help their patients better. With the emergence of effective fertility treatments and state-of-the-art tools or equipment, countless individuals and couples have gotten the solution to their fertility problems. The numerous options available are Ovarian Rejuvenation, IMSI IVF, etc. What’s more? Every step of the journey can now be carefully analyzed to ensure the best possible outcome. An example of a modern tool in fertility treatments is an embryoscope. This tool is known to enhance the way IVF treatments are done.

Understanding what is embryoscope and why it is recommended will help you know what to expect. Furthermore, it is also essential that you know how it works, the different benefits it offers, and how it impacts the success rates of fertility treatments. In the sections below, we have discussed all this about an embryoscope.

What is Embryoscope?

An embryoscope is an incubator system that is used in in vitro fertilization treatments. The purpose of this device is to monitor the development of the embryo in real time. It also maintains the physiological conditions that are necessary for an embryo to thrive in an IVF lab. The embryoscope is also equipped with time-lapse technology and a highly advanced camera.

The camera present in the embryoscope captures pictures and videos of the embryo, which help the embryologists assess the embryonic development. Hence, the need for removing the embryo from the incubator (for monitoring) is eliminated. Furthermore, with the help of an embryoscope, embryo selection can be more precise. Sometimes, an embryoscope is also used in the PICSI procedure to assess the resultant embryo.

Who Needs an Embryoscope?

When a high number of embryos are present during ART procedures (like IVF), an embryoscope is recommended. Because of the stable culture conditions it provides and the numerous benefits it promises, an embryoscope is recommended for all patients. The goal is to pick embryos that have the highest potential and are of the best quality.

Understanding How an Embryoscope Works

Now that we have discussed what is embryoscope and why it is needed, let us have a look at how exactly an embryoscope works.

During assisted reproductive technologies, such as IVF and ICSI, after sperm and egg retrieval, fertilization is done. Now, the resultant embryo needs to be kept safely and under optimum conditions (environmental as well as nutritional). For this, a special type of incubator is required, that is, the embryoscope.

Embryoscope IVF also has a microscope and a high-definition camera that clicks pictures of the embryo every 2 minutes. Furthermore, modern software is connected to this equipment. The role of this software is to help the embryologist analyze how the embryo is developing under the simulated conditions of the embryoscope.

When it comes to transferring the embryo to the uterus, the selection of the embryo is one of the most crucial steps. This is because it will determine the success of the procedure. This can be done with the help of an embryoscope.

Advantages of Embryoscope for Enhanced Fertility Treatments

There are numerous benefits associated with the use of an embryoscope for fertility treatments. These include:

  • With the use of an embryoscope, the need for repeated handling is reduced. Now, embryo development monitoring can be easily done while it is in the incubator.
  • The culture conditions maintained in the embryoscope are extremely stable. This ensures that they get the right nutrition and environment for development.
  • In a traditional incubator, observation is feasible only for 6 to 10 minutes. On the contrary, an embryoscope offers over 7,200 hours of footage.
  • The division of the embryo can also be closely observed using an embryoscope.
  • Lastly, an embryoscope also ensures that the doctors are selecting only the best embryos for transfer. This facilitates a successful pregnancy.

Embryoscope and IVF Interrelation: Growth and Selection of the Best Embryos for Better Success Rates

Embryoscope IVF are closely related. This is because an embryoscope will not only help in the growth of the embryo but also ensure that only the most viable one is selected for transfer. In an IVF treatment, after fertilization, embryos are cultured and monitored in incubators to assess their development until they are ready to be transferred. Initially, it was done in traditional incubators.

However, embryoscope success rates for IVF have significantly improved now. This can be attributed to the continuous time-lapse imaging technology.

Factors Affecting Embryoscope Cost

The process for embryoscope usage is the same everywhere. However, depending on certain factors, the embryoscope price may be variable. What are these factors? Let’s find out:

  • Location of the clinic
  • How advanced the technology is
  • Expertise of the doctors and embryologists
  • Reputation of the clinic
  • Number of embryos to be monitored
  • Additional services or fertility treatments

Bloom IVF: The Best Clinic in India for All Your Fertility Treatment and Embryoscope Needs!

When it comes to fertility treatments and technological advancements like an embryoscope, Bloom IVF stands tall as one of the most trusted clinics in the country. We make use of the most effective techniques to help you achieve your dream of becoming a parent. Furthermore, our success rates are excellent across the different services we offer, including Egg Oocyte Freezing and Semen Freezing. What makes us the best center is that our embryoscope cost is also very reasonable.

To ensure compassionate and high-quality care for our patients, we have the best team of doctors onboard. So, if you are seeking any kind of fertility treatment or are willing to find out the reason why you are not able to conceive, visit us. We also provide recommendations related to Timed Intercourse.

We have a wide range of treatment options and services (clinical and technical) for our patients. These are offered across our different centers in the country. These include Spindle Check, and Micro TESE, among many others.

Visit Bloom IVF Today for World-Class Fertility Solutions!

Step-by-Step Procedure of Embryoscope

Eggs retrived from the follicle were denuded by mechanical pipetting and ICSI done with best selected sperm.
The injected eggs were placed in pre equilibrated culture dishes under oil at 37 degrees and 5.5% co2 in air in time lapse incubator.
The embryoscope captures images of developing embryos every 10-15 mins.
On day 3 the formed embryos are graded by the system.
The best graded embryo is then transferred into the uterine cavity or frozen for transfer in future.

Common Questions

If you could not find an answer to your query, please contact us.

According to research, the pregnancy rates have improved by 15% because of the integration of an embryoscope in the procedure of Single Embryo Transfer. These embryoscope success rates clearly indicate that it works
Grade 1 embryos are ideal for transfer during the IVF treatment. These can be identified by the experts with the help of an embryoscope IVF. The expert may also recommend Sequential Transfer, based on your case.
An embryoscope score or iDAScore is a score given to the embryos that are under observation. This is assigned by an artificial intelligence-based algorithm. The score signifies the likelihood of implantation of an embryo after transfer.
There are no documented disadvantages to the usage of an embryoscope for the embryo. However, how the expert uses it and interprets its findings will significantly affect their decisions. This will affect the outcomes as well. Hence, it is important to choose specialists who have years of experience in the field of fertility treatment.
Suppose you are looking for a clinic where all fertility treatments are offered at the most affordable prices. You may also want the most talented doctors to handle your case. You will find all this at the best fertility center in the country – Bloom IVF.
Depending on the recommendation of your doctor, the embryo may be kept in the embryoscope for 2 to 5 days.